About Us

As of July 1, 2023, 36 counties have elected to administer all correctional field services and several locations provide institutional services under the Minnesota Community Corrections Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 401). These counties have organized into 24 administrative service units and are known as the Minnesota Association of Community Corrections Act Counties.

Learn more about the different types of correctional delivery systems in Minnesota.

Our Mission

  • Provide a forum for the exchange of information and resources among Association members.
  • Develop policy recommendations for members and the Legislature regarding the implementation and operation of the Act.
  • Provide a vehicle for expressing ideas and concerns for the improvement of programs related to the delivery of correctional services.
  • Coordinate and facilitate interaction between the Department of Corrections and other state agencies and the members, especially in developing and implementing the Act and other similar or related programs.
  • Provide an orderly and effective means for members to speak out collectively on matters of concern related to the role and responsibility of county government for the delivery of correctional services to offenders.
  • Support the development and revision of the Act and aide in its implementation in conformity with the needs and purposes of the members.

For more information, please contact:  Matt Cook, Project Manager